Our new Colombian Specialty bean is from paradise!

Our new coffee bean comes from the Huila department of Colombia! Brought to us by the beautiful El Paraiso ("paradise" in English) family farm, headed by Ernedis Rodriguez. These coffee beans are washed, but with extended fermentations to up to 72 hours. Want to know more? Read Richard's blog!

Coffee culture 22-02-2021

Colombia is perhaps our favourite coffee bean in South America. We love the richness of the Caturra varietal, the heaviness of the body in the drink and the often creamy texture in the mouth. In our experience, there is usually an underlying stone fruitiness and some naturally occurring marzipan sweetness. Its acidity is often towards medium and there is light bite of spice at the end.

Colombia has featured in the Specialty Coffee range at Jones Brothers for the last 5 years and this is only the second farm we have chosen to represent the best of Colombian coffee in all that time. So we start on a new adventure in 2021 with a Family Farm that we really hope to visit in the coming years.

The El Paraiso family farm, Huila, Colombia

Ernedis Rodriguez is a young and extremely motivated coffee farmer with a great attention to detail and quality. His farm El Paraiso ("paradise" in English) is relatively small at only 7 hectares of coffee trees, and we are delighted to be able to commit to a large proportion of this micro-lot coffee from one side of the farm. El Paraiso is a beautiful farm 12km east of Gigante, in the Huila department of the Western quarter of Cololmbia, perched exactly at the rim of a mountain with most of the fields facing west across the beautiful Magdalena river valley. His mostly caturra trees grow at an elevation of approx. 1840m above sea level, allowing longer maturation of the coffee cherry and guaranteeing a great physical quality to the bean and a lovely sweetness in the cup.

He has been experimenting with different types of processing, like extended fermentations up to 72 hours, in different ways such as aerobic, anaerobic, or partially in cherry etc. The coffee is therefore often extremely sweet and full in the mouth. Some of the micro-lots have some fruitiness, but mostly it has a sweetness of honey or sugar molasses. The micro-lot we’ve bought from him are fully washed, but using these extended fermentations methods to derive a fantastic flavour in the drink. All the coffees are dried in a shaded greenhouse on the rim of the mountain guaranteeing good ventilation across the drying beds.

Ernedis Rodriguez, the owner of the El Paraiso coffee farm

We love the dedication to cup quality shown by Ernedis and we look forward to working with him and drinking his coffees in the years to come.

Our new El Paraiso micro-lot coffee is now available in the our webshop. Shop it here!

Welcome Ernedis to The Jones Brothers Coffee Family!

Richard and the Bean Team

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