Corona – How can we help?

It’s hard to imagine walking into work everyday under such pressure, real pressure where people are suffering and dying. We are trying to stay away. Yet, there are thousands of people fighting a war on our behalf right now. They have been doing this for weeks and weeks.

Coffee culture 21-04-2020

As well as applauding their efforts, the team at #jonesbrotherscoffee felt we could do something more, no matter how small. We came up with doing something that we do best – coffee. We asked around and we got some help. Then we started delivering coffee machines and coffees to the frontline hospitals. Providing extra fuel to the troops in this difficult fight.

Thank you to our partners in this small endeavour Aequinox Coffee Machines and Pelican Rouge Coffee Roasters. We have already placed some coffee machines and coffee and want to do more.

We are also offering the chance for others to join us. Our initiative of “Buy One, Give 10” means that for every coffee bean bag or coffee capsule box you buy from Jones Brothers Coffee right now, we will send 10 coffees to the participating hospitals. Check it out online now at

Enjoy some of our great coffees and help us support the superheroes on our front-line!

Drink good coffee & stay safe.

Richard and the Bean Team

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